Saturday, November 29, 2008

Alpha Lipoic Acid: This Anti-Aging Stuff Really Works

I'm putting an article together explaining the effects of Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA) for the main site, but also wanted to throw a blurb out here. I started using Alpha Lipoic Acid a couple of months ago. I discovered an article in the Well Being Journal about the supplement's strong antioxidant capabilities and decided to give it a try.

ALA is beneficial for individuals with a variety of conditions including diabetes, cholesterol issues, cardiovascular problems and a host of other symptoms typically associated with the aging process. ALA enhances the abilities of vitamin C and vitamin E, and is a powerful antioxidant that fights free radicals throughout the body, including the major organs such as the heart and brain.

ALA is used in medical programs designed to treat and detox the liver, and can actually work to regenerate tissue damaged from alcohol or medication damage. It protects the retina and lens of your eyes from degeneration, reverses the aging process in the cells of the brain, and helps to protect against brain deterioration as we age.

It's powerful antioxidant properties also contribute to healthy skin by removing the free radicals associated with sun damage.

After a couple of months on ALA, I have noticed that my skin, especially in the face, is much tighter and has a sort of healthy glow to it. Also, the tiny wrinkles under my eyes have decreased significantly since I began taking the supplement. Not sure why that is, but I assume it's an offshoot of the free radical control.

I have also noticed that the supplement has a strong overall detoxification effect.

I have an appointment to have my cholesterol checked this upcoming week, and I will then be able to comment on any changes that the supplement may have contributed to.

I tried GNC's brand of ALA, but found it to be too expensive for long term use. I shopped around and did my homework on customer reviews, etc and finally decided on a couple of reliable online sources.

All I can say is, give the supplement a try. The results for me have been pretty amazing. After doing some research on dosages, I've been taking the 200mg form three times a day. Do take it with food, as it can, due to its acidic content, upset an empty stomach.

Check out our recommended brands of Alpha Lipoic Acid here:
Alpha Lipoic Acid 200 mg

and here:

Alpha-Lipoic-100 mg Antioxidant Supplement.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Official Launch

Site is still coming together, but we're up and running..

Press Release: New Fitness and Health Website For Men Looking To Live Longer

Thursday, November 27, 2008

What A Stocking Stuffer!

Sometimes a video just speaks for itself...

I've already ordered a few of these for friends..

Check the 5-for-1 Beer Glass out here

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Attitude Is Key!

Found this video and I think it speaks volumes about the relationship between attitude and physical health. Most men and women typically deal with high levels of stress in their lives, whether it be at work, home or both.

Men especially, starting at an early age, are taught to internalize stress. Showing emotions, such as anxiety or fear, is discouraged lest a boy be labeled a "crybaby". This bottling up continues into manhood where the effects begin to impact health and mental well being.

Pent up feelings accumulate over time and can manifest into harmful changes in the body, including heart irregularities, stomach disorders and neural deterioration.
Life Extension's Natural Stress Relief 30Vcaps

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The Latest Energy Pill Fad

There has been alot of discussion over the last several years on the purported benefits of the various energy kicker, fat burner and appetite suppressant supplements on the market.

Ephedra used to be the major ingredient in many of these products until it was outlawed by the FDA a couple of years ago. The law was later overturned, but most of the name brand health supplement stores (GNC, etc) will no longer stock ephedra-based products due to the liability risks.

Need All Day Energy?

I remember, ten or so years ago, when I would pop a couple of ephinedrine pills 30 minutes before a workout. I was cooking by the time I hit the gym. Took hours to come down from those effects and sometimes I would experience involuntary muscle twitches, so I could see how someone taking too much could lead to major issues.

Now the energy / diet pill market is populated by products made up of "natural" energy stimulants such as caffeine, guarana and ginseng.

Hoodia is a relatively new ingedient being sold in the energy pill category. Does it work? Check out the truth about the health benefits of Hoodia products here.

Monday, November 24, 2008

It's Been A Real Turkey Of A Year

The holiday season has arrived. On Thursday, families across America will be sitting down to a turkey (**insert favorite meat, fish, or composite bean loaf here**) dinner, clasping hands and giving thanks for all that has been bestowed upon us over this last 365 days.

Let's review what the last 365 days have brought:

- A 40% drop in the stock market (watch those 401k's wither)
- Massive layoffs and rising unemployment
- A foreign war that seems to just keep going and going
- Cataclysmic corporate failures in the banking, auto, and mortgage industries
- A complete failure in the free market system that has led to the biggest financial meltdown in our country's history.

At the national level, it's been a pretty rough year that has impacted families across America. The economic climate, in particular, has all of us worried and concerned about how we can ensure that our children grow up with the same or better opportunities than we've had.

Stress levels are through the roof as we struggle to adapt to the new realities that this recession has inflicted, including the debt burden we will leave to future generations after bailing out the companies whose survival seems to be required to hold our damaged economic system together. We call ourselves a free market economy - we're not.

I look at my son and wonder what kind of world he will grow up in. I think America's days as the world's preeminent superpower are done, and maybe that's not a bad thing. Like the typical neighborhood bully, we have tended to throw our weight around lately. And I'm a big believer in what goes around comes around.

I pray for leadership in Washington. I pray that saner minds recognize that partisan politics, regardless of which party is in the majority, will only perpetuate the stagnant and bloated body of government that runs this country.

I look at my son and I see tomorrow. I look at the evening news and I wonder what that tomorrow will be like.

I do know I want to be around to help him.

Men Living Longer

Shopping With Junior

Took the little guy to the mall yesterday to do some preliminary Christmas shopping for Mom. Wanted to beat the post-Thanksgiving crowds and maybe get the kid some face time with the resident Santa Claus. My wife spent last week in Atlanta visiting family, so Joey already had the formal Phipps Plaza visit with Santa, complete with VHS recording, etc - only $49.95! But we have taken him for the past 2 years, so we're getting some priceless memories at $49.95 a pop.

My sister-in-law has maintained a tape that has 13 years worth of Phipps Santa visits featuring their 4 kids. Really is priceless - until you try to sit through a viewing of all 13 years.

As for our mall trip yesterday, let's just say that we are no longer welcome in the Victoria's Secret store. Joey tried to wrestle a scantily clad mannequin, and while it sounds funny, I think most of the other customers were a little disturbed to see a grown man trying to chase down a two year old with a bra hanging across his head.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Welcome To My World

I'm a mid 40's first time father of a rambunctious two year old named Joey. When my wife became pregnant - and yes it was planned - I took a look at the calendar, did some quick mental math, and figured out that if I wanted to be able to keep up with my impending bundle of joy, I needed to make some improvements in my lifestyle.

I want to be able to play ball with him when he makes the high school team. I want to play with my future grandkids. And I want to be able to do it all without relying on a wheelchair, portable oxygen tank, or flash cards needed to remind me where I live or what my name is.

Multi Vitamin Plus (120 Tabs) For Men

So, I've been making some healthy choices in my life. I've always been somewhat of a weekend athlete, but I knew I needed to get more consistent in my fitness regimen. Now I'm at the local Lifetime Fitness 4-5 times a week doing weights, cardio, and yoga. I'm also on a supplement routine that includes fish oils, red yeast rice extract (pills), and a good multi.

I've also come to be a big fan of acai.

Just wanted to start this blog to have a forum to share my experiences - the good, the bad, and the downright embarrassing. I'd also like to hear from others - especially men who've taken on fatherhood at a post-forty age.

More to come...

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