Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The Latest Energy Pill Fad

There has been alot of discussion over the last several years on the purported benefits of the various energy kicker, fat burner and appetite suppressant supplements on the market.

Ephedra used to be the major ingredient in many of these products until it was outlawed by the FDA a couple of years ago. The law was later overturned, but most of the name brand health supplement stores (GNC, etc) will no longer stock ephedra-based products due to the liability risks.

Need All Day Energy?

I remember, ten or so years ago, when I would pop a couple of ephinedrine pills 30 minutes before a workout. I was cooking by the time I hit the gym. Took hours to come down from those effects and sometimes I would experience involuntary muscle twitches, so I could see how someone taking too much could lead to major issues.

Now the energy / diet pill market is populated by products made up of "natural" energy stimulants such as caffeine, guarana and ginseng.

Hoodia is a relatively new ingedient being sold in the energy pill category. Does it work? Check out the truth about the health benefits of Hoodia products here.

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