Saturday, January 24, 2009

A Wake-Up Kick In The Head

On my Men Living Longer site I talk about how important to me it is to live healthy. How I want to be around for my toddler aged son in the years to come. How I don't want to be like my Dad, who died from his first heart attack at the age of 62.

I have a brother. Actually I have two. Both younger - one is 45, the other 43. We all have been athletes and stayed pretty healthy throughout our life. Both parents smoked (although my Mom quit over 25 years ago), but none of us ever have. Drink socially, but nothing excessive.

Well, two days ago my brother (the 45 year old) was at work and felt chest pains. First time ever. He wrote it off to indigestion until it became so intense that he drove himself to a nearby hospital. Lucky he did. None of us are real clear on the exact series of events, but once he arrived at the hospital he collapsed. His heart apparently stopped twice as they rushed him to emergency surgery.

Long story short, my brother, this healthy 45 year old guy who regularly plays basketball and runs, had had a major heart attack. Sort of the type Tim Russert died from. The type where the major artery of the heart may be partially blocked, but it wouldn't be picked up in a stress test or be felt, even during exercise. Just one second you're fine, and the next a piece breaks off and completely blocks the artery leading to heart failure.

My brother is very lucky. They put a stint in and he's recuperating. But only because he got to the hospital in time (although the dummy should have called 911). If this had happened at night, or if he had ignored the symptoms, he'd be gone now. Every other artery leading to and from his heart was clear. All it took was this one freak blockage to shut him down.

And for me? I now fall into the heredity driven high risk category and will be taking serious preventative steps to try and keep my heart safe. Better eating. Keep exercising. Manage stress. Frequent physicals.

That's really all I can do. That and hope that it's enough.

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