Friday, January 9, 2009

Wheat Grass Juice - Way Too Expensive

I've been indulging in an occasional morning shot of wheat grass juice at a local juice shop. The stuff tastes like lawn clippings, but wheat grass packs in an amazing concentration of nutrients and a one shot dose is equivalent to chowing down on over 2 pounds of raw vegetables.

But the price these juice bars charge for the stuff can really bite into a budget. So, I've started growing my own wheat grass. It's really fast, easy, and inexpensive. The only real cost is the investment in a wheat grass juicer. If you follow the link you'll see a review I put up about a couple of the less expensive manual models. I figure it'll pay for itself in less than a month with what I'll save in not paying those inflated juice bar prices.

Congratulations to the Florida Gators. Two national championships in 3 years. Pretty impressive. And as much as I, being a die hard UGA fan, dislike the Gators, I can't argue their success. I'm hoping the Bulldogs pick up some tips in terms of coaching and execution.

Off to my cycle workout. I need to get some new workout tunes for my iPod. When my playlist gets stale, so does my workout.

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