Friday, February 6, 2009

Where do I get my workout music?

Okay -

For those of you who are not Internet old timers, Usenet is the Internet's system of online groups that range from discussion groups around every possible interest to download groups where you can find music of all types, movies, and other *umm* material. It is like the Wild Wild West of the Internet where you can find just about anything if you find the right group.

There are tons of MP3 groups ranging from all types of rock music to new age, country, reggae, you name it.

Now how do you access these groups? You have to have a news reader software program. There are many packages out there, but in my years of reaping the treasures of Usenet, I've only come across one from a company that does a great job of 1) hosting Usenet groups to ensure fast downloads, 2) providing an easy to use program, and 3) is cheap when compared to the downloads you can get.

Try it out with the free intro offer. Unlimited downloads for 14 days to see if you like the service. You decide not to buy it (it's cheap), you keep the downloads, no cost to you. But trust me, you'll want to have it. When it comes to songs, I'm willing to bet there's not a song out that you can't find using the software.

Load up your iPod with music. Get free movies. Read some interesting discussions.

If you do try it and have any questions on how to use the software, leave me a comment. The only real step is to install the software, download the group titles and select the groups you want to keep an eye on. You can then use the search function to find any individual items (books, songs, etc) that might want to look for.

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