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It Takes Work
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Blog Archive
- They Don't Put This On The Bottles, But They Should
- Icy Road Amateurs Out In Force Today
- A Wake-Up Kick In The Head
- New Feature - What Am I Rocking Out To Today
- Supplements - Sometimes You Do Get What You Pay For
- Stress - It Can Be A Killer
- Third Season of Friday Night Lights Starts Tonight...
- Wheat Grass Juice - Way Too Expensive
- Happy New Year and Time To Make A Fresh Start
- Aging (2)
- Antiaging (1)
- Best Friend (1)
- Best Supplements (1)
- Bulldogs (1)
- Detoxification (3)
- Diet (2)
- Fatherhood (2)
- Free Supplements (2)
- Friday Night Lights (1)
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Fact, Fitness & Fiction
About Me
- JD Bell
- J.D. Bell is a former health and nutrition professional that, as a first time father at age 45, is now focused on his own longevity.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
We've Moved!!!!
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Health Supplements - Do Your Homework
There are literally thousands of dietary supplements on the market. Many are rushed to store shelves in response to the latest health fad or hype. A good example of this is the glut of resveratrol supplements that have been introduced since the Mediterranean diet became popular.
One of the diet's components is the theory that ingredients in red wine have anti-aging qualities. The primary substance in red wine that is associated with these effects is resveratrol, and it has been shown that resveratrol can extend life. In mice. Human testing is underway, and chances are similar benefits will be observed, but required dosages and such are yet to be determined.
In any event, it's critical that you do research on the makers of any supplement you intend to make a part of your everyday diet. Quality varies. The lack of regulation in the supplement industry can lead to this.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Jumpstart Your Immunity System
Medicinal herbs are rich in antioxidants that help maintain good health and actually slow the aging process. Selected herbs can also alleviate age-related problems such as arthritis, high blood pressure, and deteriorating vision.
Care must be taken when starting an herb program as certain herbs can interact with prescription medications, intensifying or weakening their intended effects. Check with a doctor when considering supplementing your diet with any of the following herb recommendations.
Bilberry (vision disorders)
Echinacea (colds and flu)
Garlic (blood pressure and cholesterol control)
Hawthorn (cardiac health)
Milk Thistle (liver protection)
Saw Palmetto (prostate protection)
Tumeric (cardiac health and joint strength)
Friday, February 6, 2009
Where do I get my workout music?
Okay -
For those of you who are not Internet old timers, Usenet is the Internet's system of online groups that range from discussion groups around every possible interest to download groups where you can find music of all types, movies, and other *umm* material. It is like the Wild Wild West of the Internet where you can find just about anything if you find the right group.
There are tons of MP3 groups ranging from all types of rock music to new age, country, reggae, you name it.
Now how do you access these groups? You have to have a news reader software program. There are many packages out there, but in my years of reaping the treasures of Usenet, I've only come across one from a company that does a great job of 1) hosting Usenet groups to ensure fast downloads, 2) providing an easy to use program, and 3) is cheap when compared to the downloads you can get.
Try it out with the free intro offer. Unlimited downloads for 14 days to see if you like the service. You decide not to buy it (it's cheap), you keep the downloads, no cost to you. But trust me, you'll want to have it. When it comes to songs, I'm willing to bet there's not a song out that you can't find using the software.
Load up your iPod with music. Get free movies. Read some interesting discussions.
If you do try it and have any questions on how to use the software, leave me a comment. The only real step is to install the software, download the group titles and select the groups you want to keep an eye on. You can then use the search function to find any individual items (books, songs, etc) that might want to look for.
Click on the banner below:
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
iPod Playlists - Workout Music
Been getting alot of questions around what I listen to in my workouts and where I get my workout music mixes. Aside from the usual Internet sources for popular music (don't ask, don't tell) I get most of my iPod tunes from iTunes. Their recommended genre based play lists based on a variety of search criteria have really grown over the last few years.
I've also started getting alot of my cardio mixes from Workoutmusic.com They have a ton of cool mixes that run the gamut from rock to country. All speeds and all tastes are covered. They create blended custom mixes out of popular music and end up with 30+ minute playlists that will get you going. Great for iPods or any other MP3 player. Check out their selection. You'll find a workout music mix for any workout speed or style.
Monday, February 2, 2009
Hooked on these stress relief music audio programs
Holothink has come out with a series of audio programs that work at the brain wave level. Yes, it sounds like hokum, but it's a proven technique. (Learn more about stress relieving music).
I downloaded the Totally Tranquil and the Laser Focus programs. Really do some funky things to your mental state, including promoting relaxation and concentration. They have free demos of both programs, so try them out. I have a whole new category on my iPod now: Stress Relief Music.
Friday, January 30, 2009
They Don't Put This On The Bottles, But They Should
I predict the FDA will step in in the next few years to begin aggressively regulating the U.S. supplement industry..And with all the poor quality stuff out there, I'm all for it..
A little more information about fish oil supplements:
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Icy Road Amateurs Out In Force Today
Had a minor ice storm last night here in Dallas. Just enough to keep the smart drivers at home this morning while the crazy amateurs that think black ice is a new rapper tried to make their way into downtown Dallas. Truly amazing to watch.
Took the stay at home opportunity to do some research on resveratrol, the newest anti-aging wonder drug. It can be found in red wine and has been determined to be a strong factor in the health benefits of the Mediterranean diet. There's been alot of documented research into the effects of resveratrol in mice and the results are encouraging. Resveratrol works to increase the number of mitochondria in our body. Mitochondria, for those who don't have a Biology text book handy, are the organisms that generate energy at the cellular level. As we age, the production and efficiency of our mitochondria decrease leading to cellular degeneration and overall loss of vitality.
Resveratrol can reverse that process. And that is why resveratrol supplements have become very popular. As with any type of supplement, some brands are better than others. We have a review of one of the leading resveratrol supplements on the Men Living Longer site.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
A Wake-Up Kick In The Head
On my Men Living Longer site I talk about how important to me it is to live healthy. How I want to be around for my toddler aged son in the years to come. How I don't want to be like my Dad, who died from his first heart attack at the age of 62.
I have a brother. Actually I have two. Both younger - one is 45, the other 43. We all have been athletes and stayed pretty healthy throughout our life. Both parents smoked (although my Mom quit over 25 years ago), but none of us ever have. Drink socially, but nothing excessive.
Well, two days ago my brother (the 45 year old) was at work and felt chest pains. First time ever. He wrote it off to indigestion until it became so intense that he drove himself to a nearby hospital. Lucky he did. None of us are real clear on the exact series of events, but once he arrived at the hospital he collapsed. His heart apparently stopped twice as they rushed him to emergency surgery.
Long story short, my brother, this healthy 45 year old guy who regularly plays basketball and runs, had had a major heart attack. Sort of the type Tim Russert died from. The type where the major artery of the heart may be partially blocked, but it wouldn't be picked up in a stress test or be felt, even during exercise. Just one second you're fine, and the next a piece breaks off and completely blocks the artery leading to heart failure.
My brother is very lucky. They put a stint in and he's recuperating. But only because he got to the hospital in time (although the dummy should have called 911). If this had happened at night, or if he had ignored the symptoms, he'd be gone now. Every other artery leading to and from his heart was clear. All it took was this one freak blockage to shut him down.
And for me? I now fall into the heredity driven high risk category and will be taking serious preventative steps to try and keep my heart safe. Better eating. Keep exercising. Manage stress. Frequent physicals.
That's really all I can do. That and hope that it's enough.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
New Feature - What Am I Rocking Out To Today
Cool new widget that allows me to upload one of my legally purchased MP3's to an online player. Maker sure you either have headphones or are not in a do-not-disturb environment. Click play on the player above.
This is Smile by McFly (look for them on iTunes or wherever you buy your online music) and it's a major favorite on my iPod. A real kicker...
I'll post a new favorite every week or so, cause I do get bored with my play lists and am always looking for new music to get me through my workouts.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Supplements - Sometimes You Do Get What You Pay For
I take a variety of supplements, trying different products out and evaluating their effectiveness. What I have learned is that there is a huge quality difference between the various brands that are out there.
For example, drug store brand multi-vitamins might address a few of the diet deficiencies we have, but if look closely at the list of ingredients, their potency, and the quality of the manufacturing process, you will find that they don't quite deliver the nutritional value that we need.
I have found one company whose line of supplements surpass anything you will find in your local GNC or Vitamin Shoppe. They're not cheap, but if you take a look at their site and the wealth of information they offer, they obviously know what they're doing.
For those of us who are in the 30-40+ age range, quality supplements are essential. Whether it be a reliable multivitamin to support the various deficiencies our bodies experience as we get older, or a good antiaging formula that addresses all of the body processes that lead to deterioration and decay, Xtend-Life has a solution.
Definitely recommended. And check out their founder's blog. A wealth of information about the quality of their products and how they compare to other brands on the market. There are detailed explanations about all the essential nutrients that your body needs and how the importance of correct proportions are. If you have an interest in your health and well-being we really recommend that you check it out. It could give you many extra years of happiness and health. You can find the details at:
Friday, January 16, 2009
Third Season of Friday Night Lights Starts Tonight On NBC
I really really recommend this show. It's one of those "critically adored, low rated" series that shows what TV can be when you have compelling story lines and an excellent crew both in front of and behind the cameras. Many of the cast members of this show fall into that "stars of tomorrow" category.
And this season, which may be the last for the series, is really good. How do I know? Well, the entire season has already been broadcast on DirectTV via some kind of deal struck between the satellite company and NBC. Of course, I don't have DirectTV (shout out to Verizon FIOS - it rules!), but I do have this neat little program that allows me to access and watch online any series that has aired anywhere on television over the last 25+ years. Including international shows.
So, the third season of Friday Night Lights aired on DirectTV every Thursday night over the last few months. By the following Friday afternoon, I could access it online and spend an hour with the Dillon Panthers. And no commercials!
This program can also access new release movies and a host of other broadcast and cinema specials. Really cool.
Check it out here.
Posted by
JD Bell
7:37 AM
Labels: Friday Night Lights, Online Entertainment, Television
Friday, January 9, 2009
Wheat Grass Juice - Way Too Expensive
I've been indulging in an occasional morning shot of wheat grass juice at a local juice shop. The stuff tastes like lawn clippings, but wheat grass packs in an amazing concentration of nutrients and a one shot dose is equivalent to chowing down on over 2 pounds of raw vegetables.
But the price these juice bars charge for the stuff can really bite into a budget. So, I've started growing my own wheat grass. It's really fast, easy, and inexpensive. The only real cost is the investment in a wheat grass juicer. If you follow the link you'll see a review I put up about a couple of the less expensive manual models. I figure it'll pay for itself in less than a month with what I'll save in not paying those inflated juice bar prices.
Congratulations to the Florida Gators. Two national championships in 3 years. Pretty impressive. And as much as I, being a die hard UGA fan, dislike the Gators, I can't argue their success. I'm hoping the Bulldogs pick up some tips in terms of coaching and execution.
Off to my cycle workout. I need to get some new workout tunes for my iPod. When my playlist gets stale, so does my workout.
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Happy New Year and Time To Make A Fresh Start
Hope everyone had a happy New Year holiday. Ours was quiet and spent with a few good friends. I did discover that flavored vodka and wine don't mix very well.
I rarely touch any alcohol except for wine, so when our host pulled out some home distilled (don't ask) strawberry vodka concoction, I felt obliged to at least try a glass. Tasted like a pina colada.
Anyway, even after sticking to a moderate menu of white wine the rest of the night, I still felt fuzzy the next morning.
I've decided to wash out 2008 via the detoxification plan we talk about here.
The Bowtrol supplement is especially good at flushing out the system. I don't think I need to go into much detail around that.
My Bulldawgs had a satisfying win over Michigan State in the Capital One Bowl. Disappointing season overall, but injuries did kill us from day one.
Looking forward to watching the NFL surprise team the Atlanta Falcons suit up for their first round playoff game today. We never get to see them play on local TV out here in Dallas, so it's a treat for this Atlanta boy to get a chance to watch the comeback team of the year(yea, even more so than Miami). Think next year I may have to invest in the Verizon Fios NFL package. But as I already pay for ESPN Gameplan to watch my favorite college games, it may be a tough sell to the wife.
Oh, also added a page dedicated to free trial supplement offers that we've negotiated with our partners.
Posted by
JD Bell
5:26 AM
Labels: Bulldogs, Detoxification, Free Supplements, New Year