Monday, December 22, 2008

Holiday Treats Weighing Me Down

Roast beef or turkey?
Lumpy gravy or thin?
Stuffing or potatoes?
Mincemeat pie or cherry cobbler?

"Oh look! There's another game on. I'll take this plate to go. To go to the couch anyway."

"Yea, last year we used paper plates for the party. Do you know those suckers bend in half if you put more than two scoops of Sara's macaroni and cheese on them?"

"Of course it's homemade!"

"Oh, it's low fat eggnog."

"Well, I see something green in the casserole, so it must be healthy."

"Joey, don't talk with your mouth full"

"Where's the butter?"

"Now ya'll eat up. We don't want any leftovers to worry about."

"I'll never eat cheesecake again."

"I'll run this off tomorrow."

"Man, it's true, turkey really does make you sleepy."

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