Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Hooked On Green Tea Punch

Have you seen those bottles of green tea "juice" that all the grocery stores are stocking now? Both Lipton and Nestea offer everything from green tea, peach tea, diet green tea, etc. Not really sure what the true percentage content of the beneficial green tea is, but the drinks are good and make for a relatively healthy alternative to soda or other sugar laden concoctions.

I keep a stash in my fridge and take them to the gym to enjoy when I'm sweating to the oldies in the sauna after a good workout. Plus, I've **ahem** heard that they make a dandy mixer for the occasional rum punch.

For those more interested in getting the multiple benefits of green tea in a more traditional way, here's one of the sources I use to get the good stuff.

Yogi's Green Tea Rejuvination W/ Organic Green Tea 16Tbags

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