Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Winter Cold - My Once A Year Malady

Like clockwork I've developed my once a year Winter cold. Wake up one morning and my head feels like it's it's full of liquid lead. Tickle in the throat at night that leads to interminable coughing and a night spent tossing and turning on the couch. Think I've gone thru two boxes of tissue to deal with the sneezing.

I usually just fight through it on my own, using a homemade menu of Sudafed and steam, but as I'm in a period of heavy duty client facing meetings, I think maybe I'll hit the Doctor and see if some antibiotics might accelerate the exorcism process. I'm all into the healthy approach, and I don't think I've been on a prescription med in years, but I'm curious to see if modern science might ease my aggravation.

I'm actually halfway convinced the Doc is going to tell me it's allergies, as this once a year "cold" only hits at this time of year and has only been occurring since we moved to Texas. I've never had allergies of any type before, so that would be a real bummer.

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