Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Icy Road Amateurs Out In Force Today

Had a minor ice storm last night here in Dallas. Just enough to keep the smart drivers at home this morning while the crazy amateurs that think black ice is a new rapper tried to make their way into downtown Dallas. Truly amazing to watch.

Took the stay at home opportunity to do some research on resveratrol, the newest anti-aging wonder drug. It can be found in red wine and has been determined to be a strong factor in the health benefits of the Mediterranean diet. There's been alot of documented research into the effects of resveratrol in mice and the results are encouraging. Resveratrol works to increase the number of mitochondria in our body. Mitochondria, for those who don't have a Biology text book handy, are the organisms that generate energy at the cellular level. As we age, the production and efficiency of our mitochondria decrease leading to cellular degeneration and overall loss of vitality.

Resveratrol can reverse that process. And that is why resveratrol supplements have become very popular. As with any type of supplement, some brands are better than others. We have a review of one of the leading resveratrol supplements on the Men Living Longer site.

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