Sunday, January 18, 2009

Supplements - Sometimes You Do Get What You Pay For

I take a variety of supplements, trying different products out and evaluating their effectiveness. What I have learned is that there is a huge quality difference between the various brands that are out there.

For example, drug store brand multi-vitamins might address a few of the diet deficiencies we have, but if look closely at the list of ingredients, their potency, and the quality of the manufacturing process, you will find that they don't quite deliver the nutritional value that we need.

I have found one company whose line of supplements surpass anything you will find in your local GNC or Vitamin Shoppe. They're not cheap, but if you take a look at their site and the wealth of information they offer, they obviously know what they're doing.

For those of us who are in the 30-40+ age range, quality supplements are essential. Whether it be a reliable multivitamin to support the various deficiencies our bodies experience as we get older, or a good antiaging formula that addresses all of the body processes that lead to deterioration and decay, Xtend-Life has a solution.

Definitely recommended. And check out their founder's blog. A wealth of information about the quality of their products and how they compare to other brands on the market. There are detailed explanations about all the essential nutrients that your body needs and how the importance of correct proportions are. If you have an interest in your health and well-being we really recommend that you check it out. It could give you many extra years of happiness and health. You can find the details at:


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