Friday, January 16, 2009

Third Season of Friday Night Lights Starts Tonight On NBC

I really really recommend this show. It's one of those "critically adored, low rated" series that shows what TV can be when you have compelling story lines and an excellent crew both in front of and behind the cameras. Many of the cast members of this show fall into that "stars of tomorrow" category.

And this season, which may be the last for the series, is really good. How do I know? Well, the entire season has already been broadcast on DirectTV via some kind of deal struck between the satellite company and NBC. Of course, I don't have DirectTV (shout out to Verizon FIOS - it rules!), but I do have this neat little program that allows me to access and watch online any series that has aired anywhere on television over the last 25+ years. Including international shows.

So, the third season of Friday Night Lights aired on DirectTV every Thursday night over the last few months. By the following Friday afternoon, I could access it online and spend an hour with the Dillon Panthers. And no commercials!

This program can also access new release movies and a host of other broadcast and cinema specials. Really cool.

Check it out here.

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